
Games like Buy Dofus Kamas need a lot of time Dec-04-2019

People gotta stop playing Kamas Dofus Retro games alltogether, its not good for your life in the long run, and it will bite you in the back HARD eventually even if u dont realize it.

Disagree here... It becomes a less if you're addicted or you're spending way too much time at it. But if you don't it remains a hobby like everything else (people watch hours of netflix today etc.) and brings Joy, Stories, Friends...

Unless you start noticing that you spend way more time on the game than irl, i think you should keep playing because it brings joy like every other hobby !

Tbh I don't really like questions like "is it shadowing other hobbies?", because it imply that you MUST have other hobbies or else something is wrong.

What if there isn't really any "other hobbies" to shadow because video games are the hobby I choose to spend most of my freetime on and I'm happy with it?

As for social relationships, well no, not really. Everything is fine with my family and most of my friends are at least a little bit interested in video games too, I mean how and why do you actually became friends with people who have no common center of interest with you in the first place?

Well to have a hobby is not an obligation of course, but it is usually what people have. I personally have several hobbies and one of these are videogames. Honestly I find reductive to focus all the interest on videogames. Life is so various that would be a pity to spend all for it. But it's only my opinion, I'm not saying you're wrong. How many hours do you usually spend on Dofus? I'm asking because, despite the potential addiction that any game could provoke, games like Buy Dofus Kamas need a lot of time if you want to reach some productive goal in-game.

On Dofus with the current amount of time that I have available, it's usually between 0 (lol) and 2 hours a day during week, and I would say 6-8 hours during saturday and sunday.

My most intense period was on WoW not on Dofus, as i've been a member of the Guild "From Scratch" for four months if you ever Heard about it. This was four months of 15 hours a day for competition purpose.

On Dofus with the current amount of time that I have available, it's usually between 0 (lol) and 2 hours a day during week, and I would say 6-8 hours during saturday and sunday.

If you ask anyone is it wierd to not have hobbies outside of videogames, 99% of people will say yes thats very wierd and it usually means ur a hermit loser, with an antisocial stigma. So yes.. you really MUST have atleast ONE other hobby outside of videogames.. cuz wtf man...

I remember as a kid it's all I wanted to do. My parents would password protect my computer to try and restrict my time. But I download crackdinux crack disc to get in. I finally quit about 3 months after rushu merged with rosal. My arguement with my parents was would you rather me be at home playing games while keeping my grades high or be out doing stupid shit getting in trouble.

Now that retro is out I have sunk a lot hours in already. I work a lot but when I get home it's really all I want to do at times. Gaming is my stress free zone and it became a bigger part if my life when I got back from afghanistan. I'm fully aware that my therapy is an addiction. Hell I uses to play Counterstrike GO 16 hours a day.