
  • Dofus

    I have a tough time playing Kamas Dofus Retro mmos because of the ergonomics of a touch screen. Idk maybe I'm doing something wrong but it's very uncomfortable. I actually like Toram Online cuz of the "No Class" system. There is NO class in game. However you can choose your skillset yourself but on limited skill points. For example, all DPS can auto heal but only mages can make that very useful, it being lesser heal and int based. Als ...

  • Dofus

    Dofus touch still receives new content, maybe later than Dofus but content is added.Dofus Kamas and Dofus Touch are not crossplatform. Dofus touch is the same game, but a couple years behind in updates in content to the ''real'' Dofus. I remember playing dofus back in 2011 but got stuck due to the subscription, the memories. Guess mobile MMORPGs have stagnated as well. This doesn't look very different from the list of MMORPGs t ...

  • Dofus

    But for dungeons? oh boy is it an amazing system. Every turn, every action every players make becomes meaningful, the combat becomes truely tactical. You can't just hammer down a dps rotation without interacting with anything, you have to talk to others, you have to create a strategy that evolves throughout the fight, you need true cooperation.  The combat feels like pen and paper rpg, but in an mmo package.Most people dont under ...

  • Dofus

    Almost only solo fights, there is just 2 complicated things (the drop of the "Parangon" and the drop in the songes) but I have it 1 week after the MAJ while I'm working everyday all day long. So I think this dofus is accessible for "everybody" (of course you have to be lvl 200 & have to know the game). That's maybe too easy for the vulbis, who was the must difficult Dofus Kamas to have. Anyway, the quests are fun ! Also if you don't m ...

  • Dofus

    J'ai connu personnellement plusieurs Kamas Dofus Retro personnes qui y ont bossé, et je ne peux pas vraiment te contredire. A prendre avec des pincettes : des gens qui s'écharpent sur twitter a propos de trucs qui se sont passés derrière des portes closes, des fois ça déforme pas mal la réalité. Mais tout de même, voir un patron tailler ses ex-employés publiquement, puis verser dans les attaques persos, les petit ...

  • news

    Also another issue IMO is that you can play with multiple accounts at once due to it being turn based, lot of people may have multiple geared accounts and can clear dungeons all by themselves or level up/grind high level mobs all by themselves, kinda defy the purpose of grouping people up (I wonder why the devs didn't get rid of this already). Oh also the game is full of children, literally the player base is so young, probably due to ...

  • Dofus

    Not knocking the quality at all, because it's first rate. But the Kamas Dofus Retro stylizing, angles, effects, they're all very Japanese. To the point that I would suspect this was done by a Japanese studio, much like Teen Titans or everything animated from DC and Marvel. French animation is often closely related to Japanese animation, France is the second biggest market for Japanese manga/anime after Japan. France and Ja ...

  • Dofus

    My bf is also a gamer and played Kamas Dofus Retro since ever, recently he got me into it and we play together sometimes, usually we do some quests and then go do something else like cook or for a walk so he gets busy with other stuff to do. I played dofus back in high school and college. I stop from time to time though. But when I play I usually do 5-8hrs not including those alarms just to switch turkeys in paddocks lol. It didn't ac ...

  • Dofus

    People gotta stop playing Kamas Dofus Retro games alltogether, its not good for your life in the long run, and it will bite you in the back HARD eventually even if u dont realize it. Disagree here... It becomes a less if you're addicted or you're spending way too much time at it. But if you don't it remains a hobby like everything else (people watch hours of netflix today etc.) and brings Joy, Stories, Friends... Unless you sta ...

  • Dofus

    Because it's non linear and more versatile with more range on top of that. They have the same minimum damage at Lv5. At Lv6 Natural attack costs 3 AP. Mostly preference and dependent on Dofus Kamas what you're fighting. If you're soloing, sacrificing 1 MP to get in line with a mob can be lethal, but you'd also deal more damage for it. When grouping natural attack let's you not worry about line of sight issues as much since ...

  • Dofus

    I'm not sure, i have took a break from the Kamas Dofus Retro and after i came baxk it was gone. I remember having it before because, i had a lot of problems with trying to do this fight, in raport i wrote that probably i jave started tresure hunt and didnt end it, but im not sure is it the case. I can tell a little bit more about second one tbh. I've been waiting two weeks for them to fix a bug stopping me from comple ...

  • news

    After Ankama's annoucement (saying they won't punish anyone who used this bug and that they'll fix the bug in one fucking month) people who knew the technique (maybe 2 to 5 people) bought every single thing from  Bonta and Brakmar and leaked the technique (which needs 2Bllions+ Kamas to be done). Everybody then sold everything they could at insane prices and everything was bought in a few minutes only from selling places. When I ...

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